
The Onboarding module in Expedo HR allows a company to create a set of requirements to correctly engage workers.

Workers will receive the relevant contracts, documents, information and a list of tasks to complete.


The requirements for an onboard can be defined either:

  • Uniquely for each onboard via the Create Onboarding - Wizard process. This will require you to complete the following steps:

    1. Select Employment Type & Contract

    2. Select Position

    3. Select Worker

    4. Add Additional Documents

    5. Select Induction Courses

    6. Select Background Checks 

  • By using the Create Onboarding - Position process which acts as a template for multiple, similar onboards. See Positions for more information here.


Check Onboarding Statuses to better understand the different states of the Onboarding process.

Check Onboarding Worker Experience to better understand what the workers will receive and work with during Onboarding.


To provide a visualisation of the on-boarding workflow, key steps and typical user profiles, please note the below example.