Personalise How Your Expedo Experience Looks

These steps are optional and can be completed later if you prefer

Upload Your Company Logo

If you would like your Company logo to appear within Expedo, you can upload an image here.

Your logo would then appear instead of the Expedo logo as shown below.

The image must be in either a PNG or JPEG file format. 

For best results, we recommend a PNG file that is less than 3MB in size.

Set Your Colour Scheme

After you have uploaded your company logo, we will suggest a colour scheme based on the colours in the logo.

You can select one of the suggested colours shown in the bar


Or you can choose a colour yourself by clicking on this button

Once you are finished uploading your logo and setting your colour scheme, please click the 'Save and continue' button.


If you skipped this step or want to change your company logo or colour scheme, please read this article about how to change your company settings in Expedo. ***needs added