Customise a Contract Template

If your contract template was downloaded from the Marketplace then you will be able to customise it.

To do this, open My Library. Select the contract from the list, and from its contextual menu select the option to Customise.

The following screen will open

The screen is divided into two areas:

  1. On the left: the clause structure of the contract.

  2. On the right: a preview of the contract.


Available customisation options

You can make the following changes to your contract template.

  1. Sort the clauses

  2. Remove a clause

  3. Configure a clause

  4. Create additional clauses


Sort the clauses

Do this to change the order the clauses will appear in your document.

To do this, simply drag clauses up or down the list to change the order. By doing so, their numbering will be updated automatically.


Remove a clause

If a clause won’t apply to your contracts, then delete it by clicking on the X button.

Note that clauses tagged as mandatory cannot be removed.

You can restore a deleted clause by finding them at the bottom of the list and clicking the restore button.

Only clauses that came packaged with the template from the Marketplace can be restored. Custom clauses cannot be recovered once deleted.


Configure a clause

Clauses tagged as editable can be configured by clicking on the pen icon.


This opens the clause editor:

The clause editor is divided into the following sections:

  1. Guidance: Shows a brief description of the clause’s purpose.

  2. Variations: Shows a list of variations to the clause wording designed for different circumstances. Some clauses may only contain a single variation. Select a variation from the list and a preview of the clause wording appears in section 4. Here you can deactivate clause variations that you will not need by toggling them off.

  3. Own text. Toggle this option ON if you want to use your own clause workding. Using your own wording invalidates any of the original variations that come with the contract. When you select this option you will be asked to type in your custom clause text.

  4. Clause wording preview. This shows the text that will go in the contract for the selected variation in section 2.

  5. Questions. If the selected clause variation comes with questions, they will be shown here. You can enter a default response for new onboardings. If you enter a default response, you will also have the option to Skip the question, in which case the question will be hidden during onboarding. Use this to lock the default response.


Create additional clauses

To add your own clauses to this contract template, use the button to Add Custom Clause:

This will open the following dialog.


Provide the clause with a title and the text.

Under the Clause Question tab you can add your own questions which will turn into merge fields you can add to the clause text.