Creating a New Job

To create a new Job, navigate to:

Hire → Jobs → Click the ‘Create’ Button

Alternatively, you can use the dropdown option next to the ‘Create’ button and select ‘New Job’ from other pages in Expedo.


Before creating a new job, you can check if the job is already in the system by conducting a search as per the screenshot below.


Setting Up a New Job

In the “create new job“ page, you will need to fill in all the required fields in every step. Each step will show a description at the top which will guide you in order to complete the forms correctly. Use the “Continue” and the “Back” buttons to navigate through the steps, or jump directly into any step by using the list on the “Steps“ panel.

There are 4 steps in a Job set up:

  1. Job Details

  2. Salary

  3. Position Details

  4. Review


Step 1: Job Details

This step will allow you to enter the basic information about the Job. We encourage you to set the job deadline so that the system highlights the job as it gets close to that day. Please also note that the Reference Number must be unique. This number will be used as an identifier for the job.

The position library will be used in all Expedo products. This library can be edited only in Expedo HR. Please see the Positions support article for more information. In Expedo Hire, the Position selected in this step will be used to generate the job description, requirements, and responsibilities template in step 3.


Step 2: Salary

This step will allow you to set the budget for this job. Please note that this information will be visible in the job ad at all times. You might be able to overwrite and hide the salary information in some Job Boards.


Step 3: Position Details

The position details will be copied to the job ad. You can always modify the position details when creating/editing a job ad.

You can decide to utilise our position responsibilities and requirements template which is auto-generated from the selected position in step 1.

Show or hide the one suitable for the job by checking or unchecking each line. Please note that you cannot delete the responsibilities or requirements from the template.

You can also add custom responsibilities and requirements manually by typing in the “Add new responsibility“ or “Add new requirement“ box and clicking “Add“.

Remove custom responsibilities or requirements by hovering on the line then clicking the “x“ button.


Step 4: Review

This last step will allow you to review the job summary before publishing it.

Edit any form simply by clicking the “Edit“ button. The system will navigate you back to the associated step.

By clicking “Create Job“, the new job will be created and published. Your hiring team member can now start posting new job ads which are based on this job.

You can also save the new job as a draft to edit and publish at any time. View how to publish a job here.